Denim and Diamonds (2020)

Denim and Diamonds
February 2020
St. John's Cathedral

A Salute to Country Music


(Include bios)

Josh Sumter Music Director and Accompanist
Actor Role
Seth Blaine Performer
Susan Bolt Performer
Kadi Brazil Performer
Roxanne Cabrera-Blaine Performer
Susan Davis Performer
Gayle Greene Performer
Mary Sue Greiner Performer
Brett Hopper Performer
Cookie Hopper Performer
Wade McGarity Performer
Wendy Hopper Performer
Ron Pevey Performer
Jim Richardson Performer
Gary Rowcliffe Performer
Kevin Smathers Performer
Denise WIlliams Performer
Ron Pevey Musician
Dan Gammon Musician
Bill Stanley Musician
Matt Cogburn Lighting and Sound