Thoroughly Modern Millie (2007)

Thoroughly Modern Millie
July 2007
Pellissippi State


(Include bios)

Dr. Angela Batey Music Director
Edmund Bolt Staged and Directed
Gayle Greene Choreographer
Tami Newsom Primary Accompanist
Actor Role
Mike Arwood One of Muzzys boys
Susan Bolt Mrs. Meers
Alex Bryant Gloria
Laura Cate Lucille
Laura Cate Dishwasher
Kevin Crowe Jimmy Smith
Brooke Cunningham Cora
Elliot DeVore George Gershwin
Elliot Devore One of Muzzys boys
Dustin Gibson Ira Gershwin
Dustin Gibson One of Muzzys boys
Josh Ginsburg One of Muzzys boys
Bobby Gintz Bun Foo
Becky Hatmaker Rita
Julie Howard Miss Flannery
Kristin Loy Daphne
Allyson Lynch Muzzy van Hossmere
Matt Lyscas Kenneth
Matt Lyscas One of Muzzys boys
John Maples Mr. Trevor Graydon
Megan McElmurray Ethel Peas
Megan McElmurray Mathilde
Mike McElmurray Policeman
Mike McElmurray Dexter
Amy McKinney The Pearl Lady
Natalee McReynolds Miss Dorothy Brown
Will Parker One of Muzzys boys
Will Parker Rodney
Will Parker The Lerch
Margaret Patton Ruth
Brittany Rinehart Ensemble
Amanda Roberts Ensemble
Amanda Roberts Muquin
Carol Shelton Dorothy Parker
Kevin Smathers Ching Ho
Savannah Squires Ensemble
Christine Tankersley Millie Dillmount
Jennifer Tatum Ensemble
Jennifer Tatum Dishwasher
Jennifer White Alice
Jennifer Leigh White New Modern
Matt Cogburn Lighing Desiger & Supertitles
Allison Crye Stage Manager
Bobby Crye Light Board Operator
Deric Dickens Percussionist
Marla Hensley Backstage Assistant
Carol Idol Backstage Assistant
Melony Dodson Accompanist
Eric D. Merickel Assistant Stage Manager
Connie Miller Follow Spot
Nancy Pevey French Horn
Ron Pevey Bass
Jackie WIlson Follow Spot